TANG Hong-hui,ZHAO Su-shun,CHEN Qian,et al.New Technology and Welding Equipment for Joining Platinum Resistance Sensor Leads and Heterogeneous Multi-strand Wires of Various Diameters[J].Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering,2018,10(5):68-73.
New Technology and Welding Equipment for Joining Platinum Resistance Sensor Leads and Heterogeneous Multi-strand Wires of Various Diameters
投稿时间:2018-07-09  修订日期:2018-09-10
中文关键词: 航空传感元器件  电阻钎焊  异种金属  焊接装置
英文关键词: aviation sensor component  resistance brazing  dissimilar metal  brazing device
唐宏珲 南昌航空大学 焊接工程系南昌 330063 
赵苏顺 南昌航空大学 焊接工程系南昌 330063 
陈钱 南昌航空大学 焊接工程系南昌 330063 
尹全中 南昌航空大学 焊接工程系南昌 330063 
姚钰杰 南昌航空大学 焊接工程系南昌 330063 
陈玉华 南昌航空大学 焊接工程系南昌 330063 
摘要点击次数: 3917
全文下载次数: 2788
      目的 开发一种能实现多股导线与微细丝稳定、可靠连接的新方法及相关装置。方法 选用直径为0.2 mm、材料为镍丝的铂电阻引线与直径约0.5 mm、材料为铜丝的多股导线进行实验,分别用常规电阻钎焊方法和本研究提出的精密电阻钎焊方法进行焊接。开展焊接工艺实验,研究工艺参数对焊接成形的影响,并获得优化工艺参数;用精密拉伸实验机对采用不同方法和不同工艺参数获得的焊接接头进行拉剪力测试,研究焊接方法和工艺条件对接头拉剪力的影响规律,对不同条件下获得的焊接接头的微观组织结构进行分析,研究其与工艺的相关性。结果 采用常规焊接方法得到的焊接接头,平均抗拉力为21 N,强度系数为84%,但缺陷过多,成形差。采用精密电阻钎焊方法得到的焊接接头,平均抗拉力为23 N,强度系数为92%,表面成形及性能均达到要求。结论 提出的精密电阻钎焊方法,操作简单,焊接质量稳定,焊接效率高,实现了铂电阻引线和多股导线的良好连接。
      The paper aims to develop a new method and related device for stable and reliable connection of multi-strand wire and fine wire. Platinum resistance nickel wire lead with a diameter of 0.2 mm and multi-strand copper wire with a diameter of about 0.5 mm were selected for testing. Conventional resistance brazing method and precision resistance brazing method proposed in this paper were respectively used for welding. The welding process experiment was carried out on the precision resistance brazing system to study influences of the process parameters on the welding forming and obtain the optimized process parameters. The tensile force of welded joints obtained by different methods and different technological parameters was tested by precision tensile testing machine to research influence rules of welding methods and process conditions on the shear force of butt joint. The microstructure of the welded joint obtained under different conditions was analyzed and its correlation with the process was studied. The welding joint obtained by conventional welding method has an average tensile strength of 21 N and a strength coefficient of 84%, but there are too many defects and forming errors. The welded joint obtained by precise resistance brazing method has an average tensile strength of 23 N and a strength coefficient of 92%. Both its surface forming and performance meet the requirements. The precision resistance brazing method proposed in this paper is simple to operate and has stable welding quality and high welding efficiency.
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