GAO Yuan,DENG Huai-bo,CHEN Yu-hua.Formation Process and Mechanism of Ti/Al Dissimilar Metal Joint Welded by Micro-resistance Welding[J].Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering,2018,10(5):50-53.
Formation Process and Mechanism of Ti/Al Dissimilar Metal Joint Welded by Micro-resistance Welding
投稿时间:2018-07-09  修订日期:2018-09-10
中文关键词: 异种金属  微电阻点焊  机理研究
英文关键词: dissimilar metal  micro-resistance welding  mechanism study
高原 南昌航空大学 轻合金加工科学与技术国防重点学科实验室南昌 330063 
邓怀波 南昌航空大学 轻合金加工科学与技术国防重点学科实验室南昌 330063 
陈玉华 南昌航空大学 轻合金加工科学与技术国防重点学科实验室南昌 330063 
摘要点击次数: 4009
全文下载次数: 2728
      目的 对0.2 mm厚的TC4和2A12薄板进行微电阻点焊研究,分析其接头的形成过程及形成机理。方法 通过EDS以及微区XRD等测试手段对熔核与母材界面各区域进行分析,研究界面处的元素扩散以及成分分布。结果 对熔核与界面进行EDS线扫描可以发现,熔核内部区域Ti, Al含量比较均匀,说明熔核内部的元素扩散较为充分。熔核与铝侧母材界面处的针状化合物经过分析,推测其主要成分为Ti-Al金属间化合物。熔核内部的主要成分为Al3Ti金属间化合物。熔核与Ti侧母材界面处生成了AlTi3和AlTi2金属间化合物。结论 熔核内部以及熔核与母材交界处均生成了Ti-Al系金属间化合物。接头形成过程基本可以分为“固相连接”、“钎焊连接”、“熔化连接”、“熔核的形成与长大”4个阶段。
      The paper aims to study micro-resistance welding of TC4 alloys and 2A12 sheets at the thickness of 0.2 mm and analyze the formation process and mechanism of joint. The element diffusion and composition distribution at the interface between the nugget and the base metal were studied by means of EDS and XRD. EDS line scanning of the nucleation and interface showed that the content of Ti and Al in the inner region of the nugget was more uniform, which indicated that the element diffusion in the nugget was more adequate. It was found that the needle-like compounds at the interface between the nugget and the aluminum side base metal were mainly Ti-Al intermetallic compounds. Al3Ti intermetallic compound was the main component in the nugget. AlTi3 and AlTi2 intermetallic compounds were formed at the interface between the nucleation and Ti side base metal. Intermetallic compounds of Ti-Al were formed at the junction of the nugget and the junction of the nucleus and the base metal. The forming process of the joint can be divided into four stages: "solid phase connection", "brazing connection", "melting connection" and "formation and growth of nugget ".
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