崔长齐,孙健,尉少荣,等.模具定量精确成形技术在挤铸生产中的应用 研究[J].精密成形工程,2014,6(5):132-136.
CUI Chang-qi,SUN Jian,WEI Shao-rong,et al.Application of Quantitative Precision Molding Technique in Squeeze Casting[J].Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering,2014,6(5):132-136.
模具定量精确成形技术在挤铸生产中的应用 研究
Application of Quantitative Precision Molding Technique in Squeeze Casting
投稿时间:2014-06-16  修订日期:2014-09-01
DOI:10. 3969 /j. issn. 1674-6457. 2014. 05. 024
中文关键词: 模具定量  挤铸  压缩量  密度
英文关键词: quantitative molding  squeeze casting  compression  density
崔长齐 北方华安工业集团有限公司, 黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006 
孙健 北方华安工业集团有限公司, 黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006 
尉少荣 北方华安工业集团有限公司, 黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006 
于洪岩 北方华安工业集团有限公司, 黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006 
郭元庆 北方华安工业集团有限公司, 黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006 
摘要点击次数: 4650
全文下载次数: 3623
      目 的 解决小型铝合金挤压铸件在浇铸过程中, 存在的浇铸质量误差大、铸件组织的一致性较差、热节区出 现组织缩松的问 题, 同 时提高材料利 用 率。 方法 将模具定量精确 成形技术引 入到实际生产。 结论 模具定量精确成形技术的应用 , 能够有效解决小型铝合金挤压铸件在浇铸过程中因 浇铸质量误差大的问 题, 铸件的 总体质量误差能够控制 在±0. 02 kg 范围 以 内 , 有效解决了因 铸件质量误差大造成的铸件壁厚误差大, 解决了 铸件组织的 一致性较差、 热节 区 出 现组织缩松的问 题, 提高了 材料的利 用 率。
      Objective To solve the problems found in the casting process of small-sized aluminium alloy squeeze casting parts such as big error in casting weight, poor consistency in the structure, shrinkage in the hot spot region, and meanwhile to increase the material utilization rate. Methods The quantitative precision molding technique was introduced into the practical production. Conclusion The application of quantitative precision molding technique could effectively solve the problem of large error in casting weight during the casting of small-sized aluminium alloy squeeze casting parts, and the error of weight could be controlled within ±0. 02 kg, which thus solved the problem of big error in wall thickness caused by the large weight error. It also solved the problems of poor consistency of the cast structure and the shrinkage in the hot spot region, and improved the utilization rate of the material.
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